Glowforge Training and Certification

11/03/2023 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM ET


  • Free


This is a safety check to enable members to use the Glowforge laser cutter and Engraver


As part of our required training for members to use certain tools and equipment at the makerspace. The Glowforge Safety Check will enable folks to use the:


During this class, members will be invited to create a Glowforge app account, learn the basics of the control software, and get onboarded on the safe operation of the machine. This class will briefly touch on the file types that the Glowforge will accept, as well as, recommending different peices of design software that may be useful. However, this class will not go indepth about the design process. 

This class is open to members 8+ years of age. Minors attending this class must be accompanied by an adult parent/guardian for the duration of the course.

In order to attend this event YOU MUST REGISTER, we are unable to accomodate walk-ins at this time. 

Cost = Free to Members

Max Students = 15