Arduino/Raspberry Pi User’s Group

07/10/2023 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


  • Free


Next month's Arduino/Raspberry Pi User's Group (ARPUG) meetup will be on Monday July 10th, 7pm at the space. Normally it's on the first Monday but the 3rd is basically a holiday.The topic for July's meetup will be "State Machine Programming Techniques". What is a "state machine" you say? It's a method of structuring your program that allows you to control the flow based on conditions without using large numbers of "if - then - (else)" statements. Flow can be controlled based on input conditions ("temperature > 95"), time ("timer > 100") or any other variable of interest in your program. It is a simple yet powerful technique that's easy to set up and easy to modify as your needs change. We will discuss the general technique then look at a few real-world examples of how it can be used. It works with most any language (Arduino C++, python etc.).  Come check it out... even if you've never written a program in your life this is something you will want to have in your toolkit.


Although it’s called the Arduino/Raspberry Pi group, it consists of anyone interested in using or learning about what Charles aptly coined as “Tiny Computers”. That could be an Arduino to make a doggy treat dispenser, ESP32’s for home automation or even image recognition on a Pi to identify and then discourage the neighbor’s cat from chasing birds. Anything you can imagine that uses a tiny computer that you build and program…


We hope to have a monthly talk/presentation on topics of interest to the group. Might be a demonstration of a cool new project or maybe an educational talk on some technology such as options for powering your projects (solar? battery?) or low power techniques.


Come join us and see what’s happening in the world of tiny computers.