Gift Membership


Gift a membership to the maker(s) in your life!

Just put the $ value of your chosen membership level in the donation amount field below, and fill in your name, phone, and e-mail. In the notes section please fill out the full name of the recipient of the gift membership, and add any special message you would like us to include on the digtal gift certificate. That's it!

1 Month Basic Individual : $95 (includes one time $60 application fee)

1 Annual Basic Membership : $438 (includes one time $60 application fee)

1 Month Basic Family : $190 (includes one time $120 application fee)

1 Annual Basic Family Membership: $876 (includes one time $120 application fee) 

1 Month Senior/Student/Veteran/Active Service Membership : $80 (includes one time $60 application fee)

1 Annual Senior/Student/Veteran/Active Service Membership : $300 (includes one time $60 application fee)

If you would like to manage your Neon CRM account (i.e., view and print donation history, update profile, etc.), please create a login name and password below. Your password must be at least eight characters long, and contain at least one number.